Expert quick start (move to Contributors)

If you're already familiar with the semantic web and open standards development, this page aims to give you a quick orientation of OpenActive

(TODO: Include references to specific detailed pages throughout)

What specifications are maintained, and what is their state of maturity?

  • (Include spec maturity slide)

What governance is in place around the specifications?

  • Processes for spec development

  • Beta

  • Extensions

What tooling (test suites and validators) is in place to ensure conformance?

What data quality monitoring or reporting is in place?

What is the feedback process for data issues?

Is there a reference implementation of all specifications? Does it have any limitations?

What libraries are available to aid implementation?

How are models encoded and where are they stored?

What documentation exists?

  • Automatically generated reference documentation

  • Developer

  • Contributor

  • Maintainer

  • OpenActive website

What vocabularies do you maintain, and how are they managed?

We use SKOS

  • Activity list

  • Disabilities list

  • (see full list in this repo)

  • iQvoc is used for the first of these, and there are plans to implement it for the others also

What centralised production infrastructure exists? Are there any SLAs around this?

  • We've managed to minimise this as much as possible - there are no running production services that OpenActive directly maintains.

  • All production endpoints are static files hosted in GitHub's CDN, with a Cloudflare CDN in front of them. This provides two layers of failover - and combining the SLA of these two services gives us 99.99% uptime.

  • No SLAs are in place

How are implementations supported?

Last updated